Justin Amash and Independence, JRP0061

July 4, 2019
Declaration of Independence, Justin Amash, Independence Day, John Riley Project, JRP0061

In this episode we cover The Declaration of Independence, Justin Amash’s own declaration of independence from the Republican Party and News & Notes in DC and here in Poway.

We start off with Congressman Justin Amash (I-MI) and his statement of leaving the GOP.  Or, did the GOP actually leave Amash?  We get into Amash’s record as a bold, principled and transparent congressman and a staunch defender of the Constitution and individual rights.  We explore Amash’s criticism of the GOP and the Rep/Dem duopoly.  We discuss Amash’s brand as a fiscally conservative, free market, small government, Bill of Rights, non-interventionist, economic freedom, individual liberty representative and how the GOP has largely abandoned those values.

Then we take a close look of the Declaration of Independence and it’s moral and historical significance.  We pay close attention to the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence, particularly our inalienable or unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and why this serves as a higher purpose for this podcast.

We also discuss various other issues and people including the Age of Enlightenment, John Locke, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., slavery, women’s suffrage, civil rights, Donald Trump, Lee Iacocca, Ford, Chrysler, Fortran 77, Poway Unified School District, Frederica Wilson, Free Speech, Trump Parade, Concentration camps, immigration, reproductive health, rule of law, Diplomat Barbie, Ivanka Trump and Ron Paul.

Closing Quotes:

 “I follow a set of principles; I follow the Constitution. And that’s what I base my votes on. Limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty.” – Congressman Justin Amash

“As we gather with family and friends to celebrate the July 4th holiday we should remember that we are not celebrating the state, but rather commemorating an act of secession from an oppressive government.” –  Former Congressman and Presidential Candidate Ron Paul


Washington Post Op-Ed with Justin Amash’s Statement:

John Riley Project Info: