Poway Hate Crime, #Tariffman, JRP0023

December 6, 2018
The recent Poway Hate Crime shocked our local community.

We review the terrible Poway Hate Crime incident when hoolums spray painted a swastika on a Jewish family’s home on the first day of hanukkah. Bravo to Marianna Benedict-Bacilla for organizing a vigil and protest that received significant coverage from local media.

Naturally this get us into the idea of why we call it a Hate Crime in the first place.

  • Why do we do it?
    • No place for hate, racism, bigotry, protected classes, political correctness
    • History, Holocaust, etc.
    • Freedom of Religion, tolerance, peace
  • Calling it a Hate Crime does create divisiveness. It becomes immediately politicized.
    • now certain types of hate are called hate crimes, but other types of hate are not
    • and some groups (race, religion, etc.) are protected, but other groups are not protected
    • it creates double standards, rather than treating everyone equally under the law
    • Hate crime law is really about vengeance
    • if a Joe intentionally murders Bob because Bob stole his girlfriend, he gets a sentence of X years, but if Joe intentionally murders Bob because Bob is of a protected group then he gets a sentence of X+Y years
    • X = justice, Y = vengeance
    • thus, hate crime laws are really about vengeance
  • In this case it criminalizes free speech
    • No question was vandalism, property crime.
    • Prosecuting words or symbols used is an erosion of first amendment
    • In 1978, the ACLU took a controversial stand for free speech by defending a neo-Nazi group that wanted to march through the Chicago suburb of Skokie Illinois, where many Holocaust survivors lived.

After discussing the Poway Hate Crime, I also discuss attending a beautiful Quinceanera, Rancho Bernardo Business Hero Nick Anastasopolous, Trump’s foolish #Tariffman tweet, PUSD finances once again negatively in the news, reflections on the presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush, Local High School Sports Update, City of San Diego Basketball Championship SDSU vs USD, my new binge watch guilty pleasure The Man in the High Castle, and my Ozzy Osbourne story JRP0023

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