Solana Beach Climate Change Policies, JRP0260

November 18, 2021

City government officials in Solana Beach have passed new laws mandating EV charging stations and solar panels. At the same time they want to ban natural gas. Is this a serious climate change policy for the city or just virtue signaling by elected leaders? The Solana Beach climate change policies have so many exceptions and carve outs that it is a wonder at all if they are going to move the climate change needle at all. We break down the Solana Beach plan. Plus, we discuss ways that cities can enact a climate change policy that actually demonstrates real leadership and makes a significant, positive difference in their city.

San Diego Parking Wars

Then we explore the City of San Diego’s new parking rules that relax parking regulations for restaurants and high density living. This plan gives restaurants the choice of Al Fresco dining permanently in lieu of parking spaces. We look at San Diego’s new parking regulations within the context of the city’s climate change plan and SANDAG’s utopian transit initiative. Join us as we explore the positive impact this same policy has had in Los Angeles where neighborhoods are more walkable, friendly, and full of energy.

Poway’s Irish Pub Closing

We also discuss the recent notice that Poway’s Irish Pub will be closing. Locals in Poway are upset and there are petition drives being circulated to save the pub. Is this situation an example of the evil character of property owners? Is this dog-eat-dog capitalism or simply part of businesses reaching agreement in lease contracts? Are landlords villains by nature? We discuss this topic and the broader changes occurring on Poway Rd.

Fire Phelps and Redistricting

Plus, we get into the initiative to fire Poway Unified School District Marian Kim-Phelps and the redistricting process in the City of Poway.

Too much good stuff!

#SolanaBeach #Poway #parkingwars #alfrescodining #climatechange #firephelps

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Referenced Links:

L.A. Finally Lets People Eat In Parking Lots

San Diego adopts new policy wiping out parking requirements for many businesses

Solana Beach passes rule to boost solar, EV chargers and battery storage

This Colorado community was proof an all-electric, net-zero future is possible. Now that vision is under siege