Trump Harris Debate Smack Down. Poway NIMBYs Fighting.

September 11, 2024

That Trump Harris Debate was a crushing defeat for Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Poway NIMBYs are ready to fight to slow down development.


All eyes were on the Trump Harris Debate on Sept 10th. It turned into a beat down.

We were all wondering if Kamala Harris would be able to stand up to Trump. We wanted to see Harris in a debate against an aggressive foe. Many were wondering about Harris and who she is.

Harris kicked Trump’s ass up and down the street all night long.

And I say this as a political independent that does not support Trump or Harris and will not vote for Trump or Harris.

What we saw was:

Harris was on offense
Harris showing poise taking on an autocrat
Harris doing what Biden (and other Republicans) were unable to do.

Harris dismantled Trump.

Trump will be remembered in this debate as old, unhinged, desperate, and unwound.

There was plenty of discussion about various policy matters. There were he-said, she-said moments. But in this debate, none of that really mattered all that much.

The vibes were what mattered.

Will this debate change minds? Very, very few will flip from one candidate to the other. I think though that this debate can help attract non-voters or push other voters away from the poll.

But there were policy moments worthy of discussion:

Trump defends his decisions that overturned Roe v Wade. Yet he claims that exceptions should be made for rape, incest, and the health of the mother. Keep in mind that Trump has said that women should be punished for abortions. Then more recently he said that the 6-week abortion ban in Florida was too short and the window for abortion should be extended.

Trump has no principles. He’s taken just about every position possible on abortion. He just says whatever is necessary to gain their vote.

But doesn’t it make you wonder?

If conservatives think abortion is murder, then why make exceptions for rape, incest, and the health of the mother?

If conservatives think abortion is murder, then why allow the states to vote on it?

Then there are tariffs. Trump continues to spew the lies that China and other foreign nations pay the tax. That is false. Tariffs are an import tax paid by the *AMERICAN IMPORTER* who then passes those costs along to distributors, retailers, and consumers. Tariffs are a tax increase on Americans. Every serious economist will tell you that tariffs are a terrible trade policy. But Trump sticks with the lie to dupe his supporters and blame foreigners.

Note: Dems support tariffs too. Biden has expanded tariffs including a 100% tariff on importing inexpensive EVs to fight climate change.

Then there was the “They’re eating our dogs!” portion of the debate. This obviously is another bullshit line by Trump, but it points out what is happening. This is not a debate about facts. It’s a debate about culture. So, Trump pushes these buttons, like a hypnotist orchestrating his subjects. It’s like there is a secondary communication stream that is being channeled in these debates to build loyalty between Trump and his MAGA base.

Another interesting question was about Trump’s mass deportation idea. The moderators tried to get him to explain it, but we got no serious answer other than local police would be involved.

Let’s face it. If there was a mass deportation of 11 million or more illegal aliens, this would be worse than The Trail of Tears that marched Native Americans from Florida to Oklahoma.

Trump is a con artist. “Everyone knows this.”


The Poway NIMBYs are officially in campaign mode to take down Measure H. This is the voter initiative to change the local zoning to allow the Life Time Fitness facility to be built at The Farm in Poway.

It’s the same vocal minority in Poway that is in a constant grudge with the Poway City Council over housing and land use regulations.

This time they may emerge victorious.

There continues to be a lot of disruption in Poway due to the housing development along Poway Rd, along Espola Rd and in other parts of the city. There’s already another stop light on Poway Rd adding to locals’ commute time.

Old Time Powegians are aghast. They still remember Poway when they first arrived here and want to freeze Poway in that time and place.

Voters did approve Measure P in 2020 to allow The Farm to be built on the previously zoned “open space recreational” area that was the location of the Stoneridge County Club. But anger in Poway over development has only increased, especially with the new housing on Poway Rd.

This might be the election that upset voters will vote No just to “stick it to the man.” This may be their only opportunity to have some impact on slowing down development in “The City in the Country.”

But we know that The Farm spokesperson, Kevin McNamara, and his team will not take this sitting down.

We are now past Labor Day which is typically when local campaigns really heat up. With early voting, voters will be making their choices in just a few weeks. I expect we will see a blitz from McNamara’s team just like he did in 2020 to push Measure P to victory.

I just find this whole thing a bunch of micro managing of other people’s lives and property. The No on H are arguing over square footage, lot size and other wonky issues. They want to stick their nose in other people’s business to slow down or stop development in our home town.

It’s the exact opposite of “Mind your own business.”

Should voters have the right to decide what other people do on their own property?

That’s the core moral question at hand.

That’s what NIMBYs do.
That’s what Karens do.
That’s what Mrs. Kravitz on Bewitched did.