UCSD Hoops, Christmas Lights and Capitalism.

UCSD HOOPS How ‘bout them Tritons??!! UCSD just went on the road and beat UC Santa Barbara. UCSB has been one of the leading teams in the Big West, UCSD beat them 2x last year. Why is this important? Because UCSD is now eligible for post season play, including March...

Democrats in Poway, Biden Pardon and Jenny Maeda

POWAY TURNING BLUE? Poway has been a GOP stronghold forever as evidenced by the long run of Republicans on our City Council. Trump supporters rally here in Poway every Sunday to the positive (and negative) horn honkers as they pass by. But more Powegians voted for...

Pickleball, Aztecs Hoops and Heroes

PICKLEBALL THERAPY This sport is raging, especially for us oldsters. My wife and I started earlier this year taking a few classes from the Poway Adult School. Now we’ve graduated to playing “pick up” Pickleball with new friends. Now it’s crossing over into family...