
John Riley Project
A podcast about Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

About The John Riley Project

A Podcast Exploring Big Ideas

John Riley interviews politicians, community leaders, athletes, coaches, authors and influencers covering a wide range of topics including free market economics, entrepreneurism, politics, leadership, current events, sports and self-improvement.


Your life belongs to you.  What greater wealth is there than to own your life and spend it on growing?  We discuss decisions you make to live a flourishing life.


In order to live a life of self ownership, we need the liberty to make choices that are in our own rational self interest.  We explore political topics and current events through the lens of liberty.

Pursuit of Happiness

Are you doing what you love?  Are you living your life according to your own values?  We discuss topics and interview guests about giving their life meaning and joy.

Latest Podcast Episodes

Poway Life Time Fitness, Presidential Debate

Poway Life Time Fitness, Presidential Debate

I enjoy covering local news issues, so we will be doing a deep dive on the latest with the planned Life Time Fitness at The Farm in Poway. Some locals are opposing the project and micromanaging the details. Plus, we will discuss the upcoming presidential debate,...

We discuss living your life on your own terms, having the political freedom to make your own choices, and a variety of topics that give life meaning and joy.

Latest Blog Articles

Inflation: What it is and How to Survive It

While mass media tend to call any increase in prices “inflation” the definition of inflation is simply “the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time.”(1) Economist Milton Friedman explained: “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,...

How to Make Extra Money

Lessons with money. When I was young, I was terrible with money. I never had enough. I always owed somebody something. I didn’t save. As soon as I earned money, I spent it right away. Oh, if I knew then what I know now…. You can avoid the mistakes I have made. I never...

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